Barnes County Municipal Airport Authority meetings are held the first MONDAY of each month. Please contact the chairman if you wish to attend and be placed on the agenda. The 2024 dates and locations of the monthly meetings are listed below and are always subject to change. Meeting locations are in Valley City.
Monday Janurary 8 12:00 pm Bridges
Monday Feburary 5 12:00 pm Bridges
Monday March 11 12:00 pm Bridges
Monday April 38 12:00 pm Bridges
Monday May 6 7:00 am Terminal
Monday June 3 7:00 am Terminal
Monday July 8 7:00 am Terminal
Monday August 5 7:00 am Terminal
Monday September 9 7:00 am Terminal
Monday October 7 7:00 am Terminal
Monday November 4 7:00 am Terminal
Monday December 2 12:00 pm Sabirs